Hidalgo County New Mexico
Anabell Harms Hall July 13, 1912 - October 13, 2003 |
Anabell Hall was born to Carl and Lily Harms near Holstein, Nebraska. Her mother died when she was a child. When she came home from school one day at age 13,
Anabell found her home completely empty, with her brothers and father, along with his new “mail-order bride”, all gone, leaving her stranded. Anabell put on makeup
to appear older so that she wouldn’t be placed in a child’s home, and set out on her own.
Throughout her life, Anabell wandered all over the country. Her first job was placing orders on roller skates in a Montgomery-Ward warehouse in Denver. Among the other
jobs she held were bookkeeper, accountant, tug boat dispatcher, cashier, switchboard operator, train dispatcher, and sewing machine saleslady. At various times, she owned
a laundromat, furniture repair shop and a flower shop.
For a while, Anabell traveled by motorhome. While passing through Bowie, Arizona, her motorhome overturned and caught fire. She grabbed a can that rolled over to her and
smashed out a window, allowing her to escape. She settled in Bowie and opened a flower shop, the Harper House. It was here that she met her future husband, Edward “Ned” Hall.
Anabell and Ned were married on July 24, 1988 and soon after moved to Rodeo, where Ned had purchased another ranch. At first they lived in the old Goff house, then in a mobile home,
and finally in a new pentagon-shaped house that Anabell designed herself, located southeast of Rodeo. She was very proud of this house and enjoyed entertaining her friends there.
Anabell and Ned were married for 15 years. She died at home at age 91, with Ned at her side.