Hidalgo County New Mexico
John M W Cornforth on left with brothers, Athelstane & Wm. February 1, 1851 - June 29, 1929 |
John was born in Cheltenham Parish, Cheltenham, Gloustershire County, England the son of William Henry Cornforth and Sarah Wilson.
He became a citizen in 1870 and married Sarah Willis on November 18th, 1872 in Waco, Nebraska. He held two land claims, 1 in York County and the other in Thayer County in 1900 before he came to New Mexico. Old timers remember that he came to the Rodeo area from Kansas. He had two 160 acre homesteads and an 80 acre one.
John drove a wagon pulled by a span of mules on the Rodeo property and ran a herd of cattle. He checked out he cattle daily. One day in 1929, he drove out to check the cattle and something on the front of the wagon came undone. He fell or was pulled from the wagon seat. The mules went on home and when someone went looking for John, they found him dead by the trail of a broken neck.